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7 World's Greatest Astrologer

For some people, the forecast is a nonsense, so the forecasters in their eyes nothing more than a liar who likes making it up to get attention or cause a sensation. However, many indisputable fact, that in this world there are people who memamg was endowed by God with the power to see what will happen in the future, even long after they died. Here are 7 great astrologer in recorded world history.

1. Nostradamus

Astrologer's full name is Michel de Nostredame was born on December 14, 1503 in St. Petersburg. Remy, a small town in France. This is considered the most famous astrologer in the world, making books about themselves and the predictions he made, is in great demand and sell well. Even the name of the seer is also the most sought after people over the internet.

Name Nostradamus jumped after the results of his work entitled Les Propheties published in 1555.
Since then, because the accuracy of his predictions, such as predictions about the French Revolution, Britain, Russia, and others, including attacks on the twin towers in New York on 11 September 2001, the forecast is always a close watch enthusiasts forecast that even a Jewish man with very accurately predicted his own death on July 2, 1566. Many believe that the ability of Nostradamus to predict, because he has the abilities of clairvoyance, the ability to "see" the future. Moreover, because both his grandfather also had this ability.

During his life, Nostradamus made ​​many predictions, estimated at more than 1,000 prophecies, written in the form of quatrain or four-line verse, which is divided into 10 parts and is called The Centuries.
Unfortunately, each forecast is made ​​too difficult to understand, because it contains elements other than random word game, there are also codes of numbers, anagrams, and symbology are mysterious. Even quatrain is not arranged in sequence, although the forecast was made ​​for about the time when he was alive, until the present century and the next century, so the true incidence is made ​​in order of time, period, and age, it becomes chaotic in the chronology.

Michael Mc.
Clellan, an observer of metaphysics as well as the reviewer Nostradamus, said the current 3 / 4 of all Nostradamus predictions remain unsolved, but leads to perustiwa that will happen in the present and future, as predictions of World War III, the killing of a former President of the United States George W. Bush, and others.

2. Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova

Forecasters are better known by the name Pandeva Vanga was born on January 31, 1911 and spent her life living in Bulgaria, until he died on August 11, 1996. At age 12, this clairvoyant vision loss caused by the sand that enters the eye after he was swept away by a tornado.
Vanga began to see the events in the future when he was 16 years old.
Divination Vamga the most surprising and makes it a very famous when he predicted the sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine, Kursk, in August 2000. Because of this ability, a lot of famous people who met him for the sake of knowing their future. Among Hitler. According to the news, after seeing Vanga, Hitler went sadly.

Vanga also predicted the attacks on the twin towers in New York on September 9, 2001.
Forecasts made ​​in 1989 reads: "Horrible, horrible! Ladies and Gentlemen, America will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolf will howl in the bush, and many innocent people become victims. "

3. Jucelino Nobrega da Luz

Forecasters who was born in Brazil in 1960 was living as a teacher. He along with his wife and two children live a simple life. If other forecasters generally express predictions are disguised and can only be understood after the prophecies occur, contrary Jucelino; he expressed his predictions with accompanying date, month and year of the prophecy. Even equipped also with clear directions, and authorized notary bureaus or state postal service so that if anything happened to his predictions, he could be held accountable.

Jucelino admitted, he began to be able to predict in 1969, when he was nine years old.
Prediction came in a dream, as he witnessed first hand what will happen in the dream. When he was 19 years old, met Jucelino Franciscoshabiz, another Brazilian astrologer who had twice been nominated as a Nobel laureate. Since then his ability to see the future more and more sharp.

Jucelino predictions concerning events that ended in 2043.
Predictions that have proven is the death of Lady Diana and the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh on December 26, 2004. In 2043, according to the forecast Jucelino, 80% of the people killed by natural disasters Duni terrifying.

4. Edgar Cayce

American astrologer, born in 1877 and died in 1945. He was nicknamed as "The Sleeping Prophet" because he was also able menghobati sick.

Cayce, who was born in the village Hopkinsvill, had a hard life as a farmer, salesman, shoe store employee, and a photographer.
But no matter how hard life lived, he diligently studied the Bible, so that everywhere he goes and wherever he is, the holy book always with him.

At the age of 13 years, when sitting under a tree and reading a Bible, a woman approached Cayce claimed that he believed as a goddess.
She was told that Cayce has heard all the prayers of God, and God will grant whatever he asked. Cayce said if he wanted to be able to help others, especially the young child who is sick. Since then Cayce as a doctor who can heal the sick, and even able to see what will happen in the future when he was alive or after (future). That predicted, among others, World War I and II, the stock market collapse of 1929, India's independence, and the State of Israel.

Until now, there are still many Cayce forecast that has not happened, and it is believed many people will surely become a reality, such as earthquakes in a row that will be killing many people and impact on the breakup of continents and changed the map of the world, as well as the return of Atlantis, the lost state devastating tsunami thousands of years ago.

5. Mother Shipton

These forecasters legendary woman from England. He was born in 1488 with a small name Ursula. According to the news, this woman not only has the ability to see the future, but also transform objects into stone! Many Mother Shipton prophecies that have been proven, like the great fire of London in 1666, and the defeat of the Spanish fleet in the war in 1561.

Shipton prophecy of the most horrendous is when he predicted about modern technology in detail.
For people who live in the 1500s, predictions can be practically absurd and crazy, but at the moment there is no transportation technologies, Mother Shipton was saying: "water under the shell to walk, ride Marshall, Marshall sleep and talk; in the water shell to be seen, in white, in black and in green ... Marshall iron in the water float, as easy as a wooden boat "

6. Sollog

Forecasters can only be tracked his existence over the internet, because of who he is and how he could see the future, is still very mysterious. Though he was the one who predicted the death of American President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, the tragic death of Princess Diana, even she also predicted the WTC tragedy and the shootings at schools in America.

According to the newspaper, Sollog was arrested in 1995 for giving information to the newspapers in America about the events to come.
In 1996, Sollog released, but its existence remains mysterious. Even the FBI menyembunyiakan all files about him, so anyone who intends to track the identity of these forecasters, will be in vain. In fact, four months before the WTC twin towers were attacked, Sollog has informed the American government about the existence of this attack. Still, the U.S. government deliberately did not want to like this astrologer known to man, and be interviewed.

The story of Sollog was like in the movies mystery.
If you're curious and want to know what is foreseen Sollog, just go on the internet www.Sollog.com. Hopefully your curiosity remedied.

7. Jayabaya

The name is certainly no stranger to fans of divination, because this is Indonesia, which forecasters can predict until well into the present, although forecasters was born in 1135 in the kingdom of Kadiri.

Jayabaya publicly known through a book called 'Term Jayabaya', a book which contains predictions about the condition of Indonesia since he lived, until one day before the apocalypse.
Jayabaya prophecies were not written himself, but written by the MPU and MPU Sedah Panuluh, a writer and a teacher. If the total, Jayabaya forecast contained in the Long Jayabaya there are about 216 prophecies. While still alive, Jayabaya already knew that one day Indonesia will be colonized by the Netherlands and Japan, because in the prophecy is mentioned, that there would be white people who will take over Indonesia, and after that the power was taken over by the yellow-skinned people.